Monday, July 26, 2010

Blackbuster, Make It A Taco NiGht!

I am steadily learning to cook, but when you have friends over, you better get in the kitchen and come up with something. Thankfully tacos take only about 15 minutes and the same amount of money.

Step 1: Clean all surfaces you intend to work on. Purchase cheese, ground beef, lettuce, sauce, tomatoes, etc.

Step 2: Put the stove on medium heat, and add a little bit of oil. Cook ground beef until it turns well, brown. And drain the oil, ALL of it.

Step 3: While the meat is cooking, begin to wash the tomatoes and lettuce. Then dice them up as thinly as you and the Carters like.

Step 4: Set the table, am I forgetting anything? Say grace, and ask Beyonce about that bun in the oven. Just kidding.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Ingredients: $15
Serving Size: 3 peopleRetweet this button on every post blogger

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